Visionary Art created by a Psy Worldwide Artist Konstantin Bax in the style of trippy 2D digital art.

Konstantin Bax

Konstantin Bax

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Konstantin's distinctive and whimsical style is a skillful blend of control and chaos, of punk and perfection.

His archaic violence and the apparent chaos at the first layers of his paintings are brought to a higher state by ingenious detailed precision work. His compositions, carefully arranged down to the smallest detail, follow fixed rules that are dictated (each time anew) by the painting itself. Thus each work of the artist becomes a self-sufficient creature whose mystery wants to be deciphered by the viewer.

Inspired by the findings of quantum physics, the artist gradually enriches the chaotic initial state of the artwork with subtle visual links. In this way he creates a 'whole' that is bigger than its 'parts'. With each painting, Bax simulates for us the universal principle of evolution in a miniature format. The expression of change is inherent in every piece he creates. Konstantin Bax wants to evoke in us the understanding that the world around us is in constant transformation, that change is possible and vital for our evolution as humanity.

Following this, the figures in his work are on a constant journey to personal freedom and spiritual insights. A quest for a reality behind our well-worn thought patterns.

“My paintings are the dynamic expression of a subtle and intangible world, from which all the material phenomena of ours originate”, says the artist himself about his artwork. The great visionary Prof. Ernst Fuchs once just called them “Windows to Infinity”


Konstantin's distinctive and whimsical style is a skillful blend of control and chaos, of punk and perfection.

His archaic violence and the apparent chaos at the first layers of his paintings are brought to a higher state by ingenious detailed precision work. His compositions, carefully arranged down to the smallest detail, follow fixed rules that are dictated (each time anew) by the painting itself. Thus each work of the artist becomes a self-sufficient creature whose mystery wants to be deciphered by the viewer.

Inspired by the findings of quantum physics, the artist gradually enriches the chaotic initial state of the artwork with subtle visual links. In this way he creates a 'whole' that is bigger than its 'parts'. With each painting, Bax simulates for us the universal principle of evolution in a miniature format. The expression of change is inherent in every piece he creates. Konstantin Bax wants to evoke in us the understanding that the world around us is in constant transformation, that change is possible and vital for our evolution as humanity.

Following this, the figures in his work are on a constant journey to personal freedom and spiritual insights. A quest for a reality behind our well-worn thought patterns.

“My paintings are the dynamic expression of a subtle and intangible world, from which all the material phenomena of ours originate”, says the artist himself about his artwork. The great visionary Prof. Ernst Fuchs once just called them “Windows to Infinity”


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