@trad3_mrk [ treyd-mahrk ], Ryan, is a passionate visual artist based out of Denver, CO.
He grew up in Massachusetts pursuing psychology and wrestling in traditional academic settings. However throughout the years he has drawn consistently, following in the steps of his mom, who made murals. Starting young honed his ability to use visual art as a positive coping skill to deal with life’s many stressors. During university, Ryan discovered the therapeutic nature of psychedelics and began to blend the associated motifs with his works. At this point he also became more serious about producing artwork and defining his style. Ryan is particularly interested in the mediums of acrylics, digital painting and more advanced vectorized artwork.
Today, trad3_mrk resides in Denver CO and finds inspiration in futurism, graffiti, abstract, surrealism, visionary psychedelia, as well as traditional tattooing and various cultural motifs. Currently he likes to use creation as an exploration of meditation, flow, and often still uses it as a healthy coping mechanism.
Trad3_mrk's Links
@trad3_mrk [ treyd-mahrk ], Ryan, is a passionate visual artist based out of Denver, CO.
He grew up in Massachusetts pursuing psychology and wrestling in traditional academic settings. However throughout the years he has drawn consistently, following in the steps of his mom, who made murals. Starting young honed his ability to use visual art as a positive coping skill to deal with life’s many stressors. During university, Ryan discovered the therapeutic nature of psychedelics and began to blend the associated motifs with his works. At this point he also became more serious about producing artwork and defining his style. Ryan is particularly interested in the mediums of acrylics, digital painting and more advanced vectorized artwork.
Today, trad3_mrk resides in Denver CO and finds inspiration in futurism, graffiti, abstract, surrealism, visionary psychedelia, as well as traditional tattooing and various cultural motifs. Currently he likes to use creation as an exploration of meditation, flow, and often still uses it as a healthy coping mechanism.
Trad3_mrk's Links