My illustrations are 2d and my inspirations comes from the nature.
Also i am inspired by the pyschedelic art itself. I like to work on complex illustrations, it gives me the satisfaction. Mostly i use dots to give a certain feel of vibrations. Vibration is a huge part of our universe as much as my art. The reason why i am inspired by the psychedelic art is, often we can see what we can't see with our bare eyes. Welcome to my dark world.
Ozan Atalay's Links
My illustrations are 2d and my inspirations comes from the nature.
Also i am inspired by the pyschedelic art itself. I like to work on complex illustrations, it gives me the satisfaction. Mostly i use dots to give a certain feel of vibrations. Vibration is a huge part of our universe as much as my art. The reason why i am inspired by the psychedelic art is, often we can see what we can't see with our bare eyes. Welcome to my dark world.
Ozan Atalay's Links