Drawbot activated.
Through a digestion of my psychonaut experiences, I enjoy to confront the infinite unknown vortex & the spiritual being with altered technologies or parallel realities. I’m focuses on digital media & 3D software to translate or craft my subconscious visions. Self-taught since 2000, I am and always will be a student of art & life.

Jeff Drawbot's Links:
KnownOrigin NFTs - jeff-drawbot
Foundation NFTs - @JeffDrawbot
Discord: Drawbot#6053
Drawbot activated.
Through a digestion of my psychonaut experiences, I enjoy to confront the infinite unknown vortex & the spiritual being with altered technologies or parallel realities. I’m focuses on digital media & 3D software to translate or craft my subconscious visions. Self-taught since 2000, I am and always will be a student of art & life.

Jeff Drawbot's Links:
KnownOrigin NFTs - jeff-drawbot
Foundation NFTs - @JeffDrawbot
Discord: Drawbot#6053